Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Saturday


Today I asked for advice from a strange person. I tried to play this little trick on myself and think like 17-year-old me. 17-year-old me was less mature, more confident, rougher around the edges (believe it or not), and probably more socially adjusted to my peers than current 21-year-old me.

I'm unfortunately under the impression that my boyfriend whom I love doesn't care much for me anymore. Not that he doesn't care what happens to me, but that he just doesn't like me so much at the moment. (scared of committing for the rest of his life, second guessing wanting to pursue forever with me, or maybe I'm just no fun anymore--just some speculation)

Men allegedly mature slower than women, right? So I figured 17-year-old me might have some insight on how someone with a 21-year-old male's maturity might want to be treated.

Younger me said:
  1. Leave me alone.
  2. I'll come to you.
  3. Let me figure out what I want and then I'll get it for myself because I can do anything I want to do.
  4. The whole world is in front of me, don't cramp my style.

Current me said:
  1. Okay, I'm going to leave my boyfriend alone.
  2. He'll come to me.
  3. Whatever he wants to happen, he'll make it happen.
  4. And if he wants me out of his way, then I'll get out of his way.
How am I applying this? I am trying SO HARD not to text him or call him unless he contacts me. I'm going to try not to be the one to initiate conversation about the next time we'll plan to see each other. (I'm always wondering what he's doing and how he is and I want to remind him I love him and I want to see him soon, but I'm trying to resist the urge to call/text him.)

[Next post: HOPEFULLY another item to check off my list]

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